About Our Tutors
All our tutors are personally hand-selected by our head manager, Gloria Kaneko, and they are chosen with care. It's a basic requirement that they be friendly, fully qualified and experienced, and meet our high standards for quality of tutoring, passion for teaching, and caring about students.
Anyone can have knowledge, but not everyone can have a great attitude, or a true passion for teaching and nurturing students. We place a lot of importance on these inner qualities in our tutors.
We're proud to say that our tutors aren't just qualified and experienced, but also caring, love to teach, and represent our school's philosophy and culture.
So many other private tutors merely provide general help to students in understanding the syllabus content of a particular subject. Here at Elite Tutoring College however, we provide top quality tuition by professional tutors who also guide our students and teach them exactly how to approach their curriculum and exams to maximise their grades.
Our focus is on providing the best, most effective possible tutor for each student's individual level and needs.
Read More About Our Tutors' Backgrounds
Join Our Staff
At Elite Tutoring College we are always on the lookout for high-quality tutors who take pride in their work and their students' results. We strive to keep all our tutors happy, and provide a very friendly and flexible working environment that promotes a high level of job satisfaction.
If you're a qualified high school teacher and/or tutor and you're interested in tutoring at our college, and you:
- Have read all about us, our lesson structure and our culture;
- Feel that you would tie in well with our college's philosophy and culture;
- Are not the "9-5 job" type who wants to be spoon-fed a preset curriculum to teach;
- Are someone who is motivated, self-driven, passionate and care about students' growth and development;
- See teaching as something you love to do and not just a job;
then we'd certainly love to hear from you!
Enquire About Joining Us