Personalised Online TutoringTel:  (02) 8710 0441  |  0400 322 426

Our Tutors

All of our tutors are highly qualified and experienced, and meet our strict standards for quality of tutoring and caring about our students.

At Elite Tutoring College we place a very high level of importance on the personal qualities of our selected tutors. To ensure that our tutors are valued representatives of our college and provide a learning environment for students that is in line with our intended college culture, we insist on the following key attributes:

  • Appropriate qualifications and experience in tutoring and/or teaching their particular subject or subjects.
  • A strong commitment to their individual students. Students rely entirely on their respective tutors as individuals to provide tuition in an effective, consistent and uninterrupted manner throughout their school year. We consider it essential that our tutors possess an attitude of dependability and obligation toward their students.
  • A keen focus on their individual students' needs and development. Despite the additional effort and preparation involved, we require our tutors to tailor lessons to their individual students' needs and situations, and take an active interest in recognising and maximising their development and academic achievements.
  • The ability to relate to their students in a warm, friendly and personable manner. One of the most important unique features of Elite Tutoring College is our enjoyable and friendly learning environment. In our experience this is directly responsible for significantly accelerating the development our students', by allowing them to look forward to their classes and enjoy their learning experience. We therefore require all our tutors to relate well to their students and provide lessons that are lively and interesting.
  • A responsible and professional attitude to their tutoring position. At Elite Tutoring College we take the responsibility for our students' development and care very seriously, and ensure that our tutors maintain a similar philosophy. This encompasses all areas of their influence, including their preparation, their conduct in the lessons, and their willingness and flexibility in providing benefit to their students.
  • Thorough preparation in their subject knowledge and lesson material. Our tutors are required to research and maintain a constant familiarity with their relative school curricula, including all the associated HSC requirements, and to prepare and report upon all their lessons.

Meet Our Tutors

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